Realteus ForceFeel Gaming Pad Review

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When I first pulled the cushion out and felt the shape of the traducers, I thought I might have some comfort issues. As you can see in this picture they are flat on the bottom but also rounded on the top. Which also keep me from using my old water trick to demonstrate the transducers in action. But once I had it installed and running, I realized that there was enough cushion foam in this pad to minimize any discomfort. As far as fitting the pad into my Sparco seat, it was a tight squeeze but I did manage to get it sorted. I also tried it in my DXracer seat. Here it fit as was intended by the guys at Realteus. Plenty of room and I didn’t have to tuck it in like on the Sparco. I think the quality of the materials used in the cover of the pad is on par with it’s price point. I didn’t have any issues with wear or durability while I was using it. I did appreciate the perforations on the front of the pad. As this helped maintain a comfortable temperature level when driving. I found the software that runs the Force Feel to be easy to use and rather intuitive as far as the user interface. I think there are enough effects available to satisfy most sim racers. I was able to get a configuration setup that I felt delivered the proper tactile queues based on what the car was doing on screen and FFB input being delivered to my DD wheel. And did not sense any delay in the delivery of those queues. One thing to be mindful of when using the Force Feel is that less tends to be more when it comes to the amount of power you are sending to the shakers. Also, how many effects you activated and the volume of those effects can make the difference between a clean feeling tactile pad where everything feels as it should, and the feeling of just a bunch of transducers vibrating together. There are a total of nine driving games currently supported by the Force Feel.  And Realteus has said that they will be adding more in the future. So, we will have to see how unfolds moving forward. Over all I think for the price of around 200.00 shipped the Force Feel gaming pad does a good job at giving the sim racer tactile queues that let you feel a much more immersive experience than just sitting in a gaming chair with out it.

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