GT Omega Pro Cockpit Review “The Setup”

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When looking for a cockpit, solution for your racing needs. There are a lot of choices out there. At a lot of different price points. When I looked at the GTOmega price point, I tried to set my expectation levels accordingly. At 450.00 shipped, I would consider this cockpit as an entry level solution. As it does come with a seat. But it also comes with
some extras that you might can have to pay for on other cockpits out there. The keyboard tray and speaker mount are a welcome addition to this setup. I do like the RS9 seat.
It is nicely finished and the covering seems to indicate good durability. Now when it comes to seats with a reclining back, you will always have a bit of flex at the joint between seat bottom and seat back. This example had some of the least amount of flex I have tested here at the SRG. I thought it did much better in that department than the seat that came with the much more expensive NLR Pro cockpit I reviewed a while back. The pedal tray did have some flex but not much. This is result of it being non adjustable and
welded to the rest of the front cockpit assembly. The Wheelbase mount also exceeded my expectations for flex. I think it did a fairly good job of handling the Clubsport 2.5 wheelbase I tested on it. You could mount more powerful DD wheels think. But the flex will increase as more torque is used. The shifter mount on all the prefab cockpits I
have tested do have some amount of flex in them. Some more than others. The mount on this cockpit met my expectations. It does flex when shifting but not to a point of irritation. I think being able to mount the TH8A shifter with four M6 screws helped in this department. Anytime you have a joint connecting two cockpit halves together, you will have some flex in this connection if not welded. The Pro cockpit is no exception as you can see it flexes a fair amount when moving the front or back halves. I think it looks worse on video than it actually is when driving. Adding one’s body weight and pushing against the pedals and seat seem to tame this rather well. And I didn’t notice it when I was driving. So, the overall performance of this kit is pretty good I think. Considering the price point, I would give this cockpit a definite look if you are in the market for prefab cockpit.

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