Fanatec ClubSport Formula V2 Wheel Review

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I think I’m happier about what they didn’t change on the original Carbon Formula wheel than what has been changed on the V2 wheel. The original Carbon F1 wheel, which I will be calling the V1 formula wheel from now on, is a good wheel I think. I like the way the grips felt and the overall handling when racing. Nice to see Fanatec was smart enough to carry on with the size and shape of this wheel. So the actual “feel” of the F1 wheel is the same. This is a good thing I think. Now don’t get me wrong, the new and additional features that the V2 brings to the table are for the most part welcome. The 5mm thick full carbon fiber frame is a logical next step for the formula F1. Even though the difference between the V1 and the V2 as far as stiffness in not noticeable to me. The alcantera grips are a pleasure to use. And nice know that they are easily replaceable should they become too worn. I really like the feel of the front encoders on this wheel. They have a good amount of friction, and the detents are crisp and nicely spaced. The thumb encoders have a completely different feel to them. Very low friction and very close detents. This makes it a bit difficult to move the wheel in single increments. Personally I would have liked them to have a tad more friction, and a bit more space between the detents. The shifters feel just like the previous F1 wheel. Now while no fault can be found as far as the function of these shifters, they pale in comparison with the feel and action you get from magnetic shifters. The good news is, as seen in this video, you can still mount some aftermarket shifters to this wheel to make a big improvement to them. Or, at the same time, you will be able to order the very cool looking Podium shifters to add some magnetic goodness to your V2 F1 wheel. Overall, I would not hesitate to recommend the V2 Formula wheel. Unless you already have the original version. As that one is still a great wheel to use. And as I understand it, will be fully compatible with Fanatecs Podium DD1 and DD2 wheelbases.

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