NRG Prisma Seat Review

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I get emails from people all the time asking if I know of a good racing seat that is more affordable than the ones from Sparco, OMP, Bride and such. And I really didn’t
have a good answer. As I don’t like to recommend something that I have not had a chance to test in the SRG. So, I went looking for a seat that wouldn’t  break the bank. But at the same time not be a like some of the cheap eBay seats that have flex in them. A stiff bucket seat is another Sim Racing cockpit item I think is a requirement
to fully realize tactile feedback from other hardware elements we mount to our cockpits. With the brake pedal being one that comes to mind first. If you have a nice stiff seat shell. When you press on the brake pedal, especially Load cell equipped ones, you get a more precise feel of the pressure it takes to apply the brake. Which is important to be able to brake consistently. With a seat that flexes when you apply the brake you lose some of the finer detail in the tactile feedback you get from it. If you have tactile and motion elements on your cockpit, again a stiff seat shell will let you experience them much better. I could go on but I think you guys get my point here. I can say that this Prisma seat is very stiff. Just as stiff as my Sparco Evo seat. Which is my favorite seat to date. But, of course my Sparco seat cost well over twice what you pay for this Prisma. And I’m actually a bit embarrassed to say that. With most of the savings coming from the fact that the Prisma is not an FIA certified seat. Which
means I would not want to mount it in real circuit racing car. But fine for uses like track days I think. Everyone that tried this seat liked the smooth Alcantera like material
that it uses. And the multi colored metal flake finish went over quite well. This seat comes with a set of side mount seat brackets attached. Adding some value to the Prisma. Also, I had several different body types sit in the Prisma. With no complaints of it being too tight from anyone. Unlike when they sit in my Sparco seat which fits
my 5’8″ 150lb frame like a glove. At around 300.00 for the Prisma, I think it is a good value. And will be able to serve the Sim Racing role just as good as my Sparco can.
And should be at the top of your list when looking for a nice stiff bucket seat for you rig.

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