Advanced Sim Racing ASR6 Cockpit Review Part 2 “The Setup”

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Final thoughts on the VSR 6 Cockpit from the guys at Advanced Sim Racing. This is part 2, called “The Setup”, of a 2 part video review series on this cockpit. In part 1 went through the complete build process. In this video we will be attaching racing peripherals to the cockpit and testing them in our driving segment. Attaching hardware to the ASR 6 is a pretty straight forward affair. The seat rails are mounted in a perpendicular arrangement and getting my seat bolted to it was quite easy when using my set of side mount seat brackets. The wheelbase mount is a massive piece of steel plate that held a 20nm Mige servo motor with no problem. It is a bit of an effort to get it attached to the ASR 6 wheel uprights. But this was mainly due from the over 36Lb or 16 Kilos combined weight that had to be supported during the installation process. Another set of hands would be very helpful in this situation. But this also makes for a very solid wheelbase mount result. The pedals I used are the type that have a mounting flange with long slots on each side.  A common style these days. This made quick work of getting the pedal set mounted. I did have to use some extra pieces of 40 series profiles and fasteners to get the shifter mounted. But this was because of the shifter I had chosen to use in testing. And also highlights the ability of the 15 series style profiles to use 40 series hardware. Once everything was mounted, it was time to stress test the cockpit with some heel and toe H pattern shifting. This is a very solid cockpit. Exhibiting no weak points or flex what so ever. It truly is a pleasure to drive a cockpit like this. All mounted controls were able to transmit their maximum tactile feedback when using them. Unlike when you mount them to a section of cockpit that has some flex in it. The guys at Advanced Sim Racing have done their homework and have delivered a cockpit that would be on the top of my list when looking for a buy it once and never regret it platform that is pretty much future proof for your Sim Racing Duties.

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