Sim Racing Studio Hurricane Wind Kit Review

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Final thoughts on the Hurricane Wind Kit from the guys at Sim Racing Studio. First thing I noticed on this kit is that now SRS is using injection molded plastics in the housing bits. Instead of the previous 3D printed housings used in the fan kit I had reviewed earlier. The overall presentation here is acceptable, but not as good as some other options out there. I did find some things
I think could be done better. The PCB in the controller box, which is also an injection molded unit, was not mounted straight. And both the fans inside the housings were loose and rattled when moving the fan units. This did not affect the performance at all. But it does give one the impression that it could be done better without much more effort for the person or persons assembling these units. The circuit boards in the fan housings and in the controller box were done well. With no noticeable defects in the boards or solder joints. SRS offers several mounting solutions for their fans at additional cost. Which you may want to consider when you order your fan kit. I chose to go with a speaker mounting bracket that I used for most things I mount to my profile
cockpits. It gives you very good freedom of movement for aiming the fans and a very solid mount once everything is cinched down properly. As an added bonus, I was able to screw in the
ball shaft units far enough to push the fan’s housing into the SRS case to eliminate the rattling noise. The performance of these fans is very good. They are capable of putting out air streams of 22.6 and 21.7 miles per hour, measured at a distance of 12 inches. Which translates to a very strong air flow once you have them mounted to your rig. I ran mine at 100% power all the time. This did produce some fan noise that many may not like or be able to use, depending on where their cockpits are located. You could turn down the power for lower noise volumes if you need to. The SRS tuning app is very easy to use and has some good features. Like the wind curving function when turning. I think most would be able to find settings that they like. Overall, I like the Hurricane wind kit. It has noticeably more power than their regular kits that I have tested previously. There are a few things the need to be tweaked in the presentation department
but the performance of these fans is as good as one would need, I think.

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