Looking for answers to your Sim Racing Hardware related questions? After working with both individual and corporate clients for some time now, I have decided to officially start my Consulting Service. I have many years of hands on experience with most types of Sim Racing Hardware. I also have a lot of hands on experience with Sim Racing motion systems. From entry level seat movers to high end, full blown 6DOF setups. I will help you custom tailor a Sim Racing environment to meet you Simulation requirements. From building small home based solutions, to corporate level multi seat event solutions. Or, if you just want to talk about the best choices when it comes to Sim Racing Hardware, I can help you get there faster and without wasting money on something that just won’t work for you personally. We are all different when it comes to what we want to get out our Sim Racing experiences. Knowing all your options enables you to make the right choices the first time. A great idea when it comes to spending your hard earned money.

I also do consulting work for Manufacturers of Sim Racing Hardware. If you have, or are developing a piece of Sim Racing hardware, I am available for anything from proof of concept processes, to prototype testing and evaluation. Having years of hands on experience with many types of Sim Racing Hardware products and receiving daily input from members of the Sim Racing community on what they think about currently available products, my independent, confidential evaluations could be something you may want to leverage to help insure the best possible result for your products.

Contact me at: info@simracinggarage.com



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