Ignition Sequential Shifter and Handbrake Review

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The Ingnition series is a new line from 3DRap. Combining 3D printed parts with parts made from more tradition materials. The Pikes sequential shifter is a made by joining two stainless steel plates with a 3D printer spacer. Along with most of the internals also being made this way. The shifter has a good design using magnets and a single spring to provide you with the feeling you are making shifts. I found the shifts to be on the light side for my taste. But I’m sure others would be quite happy with it. I do like the length of the shifters throw. I found the stroke to be long enough to make up the for the lighter feel of the shifting action. The Akina hand brake in the Ignition series is constructed in the same way as the Pikes shifter. It is longer than the shifter but has more internal mechanical bits that need to be accommodated. The handbrake has an adjustable tension element. Letting the user dial in their preferred weight when pulling on the handle. I ended up with it on the stiffest setting. It also has two different curves available. And can be adjusted by moving the front internal cam lever bolt either up or down. I used the “hydraulic” brake setting here. You will also need to select the correct position for the switch on the rear of the handbrake. The inside bits are made from stainless steel and 3D printed materials. I’m not sure what type of fitment they use on the large lever units but it seems to be pretty solid. The main lever shaft rotates on a nice looking sealed bearing. So it seems the metal is used in all the high wear and stress areas. When driving the these unit together, it felt pretty good. You can tell that 3Drap  designed them to go with each other. I really couldn’t find any performance issues with this set. The handles felt good and although the shifter was on the lighter side for me. I didn’t stop me from making all my shifts exactly when I wanted them. The handbrake was easy to tune and I was able to modulate the cars braking pressure without issue once set up to my personal preference. Of course the buyer needs to take into account the 3D printed parts in these units and manage their expectations properly as far a long term durability is concerned. Some 3D materials as are better than others. At about 120.00 for the Pikes shifter and 150.00 for the handbrake, I think their performance fully met my expectations.

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